June 14, 2016

Chairman Drake called the June 14, 2016 monthly meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 

Present were Chairman Vern Drake, Supervisor Jessie Estridge, Supervisor Marty Pearson, Clerk Stephanie Askin, Treasurer Larry Holter, Ron Gallagher, Zane Korthof, Patrick Hahn, Dawn Snow and Donny Slipher.

Clerk’s Report:  Marty made the motion to approve the minutes. Jessie seconded. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report was provided by Larry Holter. Larry also mentioned that Bremer Bank will begin charging a monthly fee of $10 starting in July.

Expenses: Expenses were reviewed. Mary made the motion to approve the bills as submitted.  

Jessie seconded.  Motion passed.

Citizen’s Input: Jessie asked on behalf of Don Carlson if Blaine has a policy on usage of table and chairs from the community center for outside functions. After some discussion it was decided that the table and chairs belong to the residents and should be made available for use. Citizens are responsible for any damage or loss of tables and chairs.

Chairman’s Report: Dawn Snow presented the board with spread sheet showing the number of fire and emergency service calls for both Dairyland and Blaine Township received by Dairyland Fire Department in 2014-2016. Road inspection was completed on May 18, 2016 and list of items needing attention was given to Ron Gallagher to work on. Vern purchased a 911 map of Blaine showing the fire numbers throughout the town. Four logging projects will be coming into to the area.


  1. Road Equipment Update:  Road equipment is in good shape. Ron will call about the bill for the John Deere.
  2. Road Condition Report:  Roads are in good shape.
  3. Northland Community Center:  Everything is in good shape.


  1. Sealed bids were received by Scott Paving and Monarch Paving. Vern opened both bids and upon review Marty motioned to accepted Monarch’s bid of $69672.50 for one mile hot mix paving of Big McGraw Rd. Jessie seconded. Motion passed.
  2. Liquor licenses for Hillside Inn and Otis’ Bar were reviewed and approved.
  3. Dump security – Vern will put up “No Trespassing” signs.
  4. WTA survey was reviewed and completed by the board and Stephanie will submit it.
  5. Opening town roads to ATV usage will be decided by petitions for individual roads.
  6. Marty made the motion to accept the contract to survey Hillcrest Cemetery along the road for $875.00. Vern seconded. Motion passed Jessie will contact surveyor.


  1. Hiring practices
  2. Update on Adopting County Zoning
  3. Update on State Line Road spillway bridge

Marty made a motion to adjourn at 7:29 pm. Jessie seconded. Motion passed.  Meeting is adjourned.                                                      

Respectfully submitted, 
Stephanie Askin, Clerk 

Signed and dated this 14th day of June 2016.

By: ________________________________________

          Vern Drake, Chairman